Our Principles

We believe Bassendean is a better place to live when artists, designers and creatives lead the change. We’re here to support and nurture creativity in all its forms. We are Bassendean’s most trusted creative community.


Bassendean Arts Community Principles

  • Give artists problems to solve, not solutions to implement 
  • All members and artists are considered professional artists, regardless of their background 
  • Always use constraints
  • No false deadlines. We only use real deadlines 
  • Our actions and interactions connect us and others to emotion and meaning 
  • The unique experience of members and the community is more important than the numbers/scale 
  • Imagination and curiosity are superpowers expressed through flow and momentum
  • Cultivate environments for flow 
  • Embrace (loud) expression of art, music & culture 
  • Think big through small acts 
  • Financially sustainable
  • Members first 
  • Members are connected with Bassendean

Meet the team

Your board are artists and members and all our actions and interactions are guided by the principles above. Meet the team